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Buy Bamboo Fences

Bamboo Fences ( Sodi-gaki)

One of the most treasured garden structures of the Japanese, is the Bamboo fence, the subtle texture and colours of natural bamboo, compliment the natural stone components of the Japanese Garden.
For its elegance and beauty and flexibility no other material matches bamboo for the Japanese garden, there are three basic types of bamboo fences, screen fences and see through fences and gates.
Screen fences and see through can be used to partition gardens or border walkways, the tall "wing fence" or sodi-gaki one of the most well known and popular Japanese fences which normally extends from the house or a wall as a decorative screen , or to define space. We now offer a Bamboo Door and Bamboo Gate.
Our bamboo screens can also be used successfully indoors, especially as room dividers

The fence panels can be fixed in a variety of ways
1. If you have an existing solid fence, they can be drilled through the bamboo and fix to the solid wall with screws or screws and expanding wall fixing
2. You can tie the panels onto the fence with long plastic cable ties or galvanised wire –easy if you want to remove
3. You can construct a new fence with bamboo poles in the ground – best is concreted in, and screw or tie to the uprights
4. Using a timber post, 100x100mm is best, fix the panels onto the front of the posts, joining the panels on the post –again – drill and screw is recommended
You need to drill the bamboo, it will split if you try and screw straight through or use a nail.
Zen Solid Timber Framed Nori Screen - sizes to 6x6ft
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BigZen Bamboo Fence up to 2m high, various sizes
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Togichi Bamboo Fence with black twine decoration 90x180h and 180x180h
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Weave Bamboo Panels - Natural and Black- 2 sizes
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Bamboo Branch Fence (Takeho-Gaki)
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Bamboo Gate 90 cm h x 97cm w x4.5cm d
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Bamboo Gate or Screen (Shioridro)
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Bamboo Irregular Edging 20/30mm h
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Bamboo Low Fence Saki-de 120x45cm
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Bamboo Pole Tree Guard - 3 sizes 1.0m or 1.5m or 2.0m
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Bamboo Short Wing Fence (Koetsu-gaki) 95cm x 90h
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Bamboo Tall Fence Saka-de 90x180cm
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