Home :: Granite :: Stone Lanterns and Basins :: Buy Traditional Granite Water Basins :: Natsume-bachi 35cm and 50 cm high

Natsume-bachi 35cm and 50 cm high

Natsume-bachi 35cm and 50 cm high
Now available to Order Only - 10% refundable deposit secures - can take 3 months
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A tall solid carved granite water basin: Normally the "Natsume -bachi is sited near to the house.
300 x 350mm h 45kg
450 x 500mm h 200kg

Water Pump, Ladles,and Flex hose are available - (see below) - Bamboo Fountain is in Bamboo section of shop
Also see our range of pre-formed reservoirs in the Water Feature Installation Accessories section