Home :: Showcase Garden The Japanese Garden at The Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Showcase Garden The Japanese Garden at The Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Garden Showcase - The Japanese Garden at The Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Information kindly submitted by Graham Hardman

The Japanese garden was redesigned and rebuilt with the help of members of the Japanese Garden Society, led by their Chairman, Graham Hardman, during 2004 and was officially opened by the Japanese Ambassador in May 2005. (For more information on the Japanese Garden Society, visit www.jgs.org.uk).
The design aims to create something of the atmosphere of a courtyard garden in Japan. Known as ‘tsubo-niwa’ or garden between buildings, these take many forms, and despite their small size still use natural scenery as their inspiration. It is the recreation of scenes reminiscent of the natural world that underpins the design of a Japanese garden.
Here the aim is to present many different views within a small space, recognising that the garden is essentially a corridor between buildings and also provides access to the National Bonsai Collection. The space is also viewed through a large moon window from the Tropical House, and from within the executive dining suite. All these views were taken into account in the design of the garden.
The planting aims to combine the style of planting seen in Japan using plants that thrive in our climate, together with additional plants of botanical interest, reflecting the location of the garden.
The images show three general views of the garden and one of the adjacent, linked area containing the National Bonsai Collection.

We aim to make this part of our website a resource to show the best of design and ideas - if you want your garden to be considered, please just let us know.