Home :: Bamboo :: Bamboo Fences, Screening and Poles :: Buy Bamboo Fences :: Solid Zen Yellow Bamboo Pole screen 20/25mm dia amd 30/40mm heavy duty- sizes to 2.4m

Solid Zen Yellow Bamboo Pole screen 20/25mm dia amd 30/40mm heavy duty- sizes to 2.4m

Solid Zen Yellow Bamboo Pole screen 20/25mm dia amd 30/40mm heavy duty- sizes to 2.4m
black bamboo yellow bamboo
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Yellow and Black Bamboo Screen 2.0m roll.

Whole bamboo Screening in large diameter 20/25mm and heavier duty 30/40mm high quality yellow bamboo poles
Each pole is joined to the next with heavy duty galvanized continuous steel wire through the centre of the poles, making a very strong construction. Externally there is no wire showing giving a nice solid looking screen. Can be trimmed to height if required
Can easily be turned into a superb bamboo fence with some addition work, fixed to brickwork in your courtyard garden, versatile and has many practical uses.
Supplied in rolls of 2 mtrs long and available in height options of  2.0m or 2.4m
2 diameters available 20/25mm 30/35mm
2 colours available Yellow and Black