Home :: Bamboo :: Bamboo Fences, Screening and Poles :: Buy Bamboo Fences :: Togichi Bamboo Fence with black twine decoration 90x180h and 180x180h

Togichi Bamboo Fence with black twine decoration 90x180h and 180x180h

Togichi Bamboo Fence with black twine decoration 90x180h and 180x180h
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Togichi Bamboo Fence with black twine decoration 90x180h and 180x180h Solid and strong bamboo framed construction Makes a beautful backdrop. Can be fixed to timber or bamboo posts or to cover an existing fence or wall. We can modify this panel type in the workshop for use as a gate We also sell bamboo posts or this panel can be erected onto timber posts Please note important - the image shows a panel approx 180w x 120cm h for style, we only have the 2 sizes available at the moment (28/6/19) 90cm wide x 180h and 180x180 square Please ring us/ email if different sizes are required and we will advise.